Here is an abridged translation of Tadhkirat al-Auliya (The Memorial of the Saints), written in the 12th or 13th century by Farid ud-Din Attar. This translation is from Omphaloskepsis.com, which provides free, English translations of Eastern literature.
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[…] Bahá’à Views Home > Bahá’Ã, Food > A tenfold recompense Rabia of Basra […]
[…] “You love the world very dearly,†Rabe’a commented. “If you did not love the world, you would not make mention of it so much. It is always the purchaser who disparages the wares. If you were done with the world, you would not mention it either for good or evil. As it is, you keep mentioning it because as the proverb says, whoever loves a thing mentions it frequently.†Story of Rabia of Basra Found in The Memorial of the Saints, by Attar […]
[…] After her death she was seen in a dream. She was asked “How did you fare with Monkar and Nakir?†She replied “Those youths came to me and said, ‘Who is thy Lord?’ I answered, ‘Return and say to God, with so many thousand thousand creatures Thou didst not forget one feeble old woman. I, who have only Thee in the whole world, I shall never, forget Thee, that Thou shouldst send one to ask me, Who is thy God?’†Story of Rabia of Basra Found in The Memorial of the Saints, by Attar […]
[…] O God, my whole occupation and all my desire in this world of all worldly things, is to remember Thee, and in the world to come, of all things of the world to come, is to meet Thee. This is on my side, as I have stated; now do Thou whatsoever Thou wilt. Story of Rabia of Basra Found in The Memorial of the Saints, by Attar […]